What is Web 3.0? How does Web3.0 work? what is Web1.0, Web2.0? is web 3.0 the blockchain technology?



A special change in the Internet of the present era with revolutionary changes is Web 3.0. Decentralized or blockchain technology has been used in the Internet of this generation. Details...

First find out what is Web 1.0 / Web 1.0?

It is the first generation of the Internet that is readable or can only be read or viewed. At that time, users used to visit websites only to read or view content or to do research. Where we could not comment or engage in any other way. It was a big barrier. A lot of time was lost as the internet speed was comparatively low.

What is Web 2.0 / Web 2.0?

In addition to solving the barriers of Web 1.0, we have seen the use of several advanced technologies. We can now go to any website or read various posts or blogs of media platforms and discuss/comment on its pros and cons. That is, our engagement on websites is high. We can now share content ourselves on the website and explore our skills. I also do remote jobs with different companies virtually. There is a matter of direct communication. Also, web 2.0 consists of thousands of features that make our work easier and more productive.

Let us now know what Web 3.0/Web 3.0 is and how it works?

The term decentralized is very important here i.e. no company or any authority will own any user's data like we got in web 2.0. Facebook, Google and all other media platforms who have already stored all our data on their servers can sell it to other companies or use it for marketing purposes. But in Web 3.0, each user will be the owner of his information. Which can only be controlled, no tech giant company can collect these things even if they want to. Hackers on the other hand are also almost impossible to hack.

Because blockchain technology is used, the company does not collect any user data on platforms like Bitcoin. It is not known who owns it. Again, no government or any administration can close the sites at will. Basically, the user's security is being looked at very strongly here.

What can you tell about Web 3.0?

In the 1960s, the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), a research organization of the US military, experimentally developed communication systems between some universities and laboratories in the United States. This packet switching network was known as ARPANET. This is the history of the birth of the Internet. Then around 1989 this ARPANET was opened to all under the name of Internet. The Internet of the 1990s was called web 1.0. The very primitive version of the Internet. At that time, we understood the Internet as only going to a certain website and reading an article and coming back. The end! The internet was just that at that time. Like one way communication. We could read articles news but could not interact with them. We couldn't express our feelings or my comments after reading this article. This problem did not last long either. Then came web 2.0 with solutions to all these problems. The era of static website ended and dynamic website came. Then we started interacting with the internet. I got the opportunity to express my feelings, comments and statements in all places starting from social media. Real life application of internet started. The Internet has spread widely throughout the world. And we are still using that internet. We may be in a very good position technically but there are problems. Apparently we don't see these problems but we have this web 2.0 but huge problems. Now ask what trouble? saying

Web 2.0 is a centralized Internet. The entire power of the Internet rests with the devices and people in a particular location. Take Facebook. All the information we have is saved on Facebook servers. So if someone can hack the Facebook server what will be the result? All our data is in the hands of hackers. Or think Facebook server is off. What will happen? Facebook off the whole world! Now see who is in the central of power of Facebook? few people They can do whatever they want with our information. Even if we are indirectly dependent on those few people or hostage to a few people, it will not be wrong. Suppose you upload a picture to Facebook. Do you think you alone own the picture? Facebook also owns the image. They can remove your photos from Facebook or restrict them from being sold to someone else or used for any other purpose they want. You have nothing to do. And the bad name of Facebook is at the same time enough evidence that Facebook trades with our information. But look we have nothing to do. So think that in web 2.0 we are hostage to a few people, owning their own content and not themselves, not saving their information, how many problems.

Web 3.0 or Decentralized Internet has brought solutions to these problems of security of our information, security of content, using the Internet as a hostage to someone.

This 3rd version of the web will be a bit difficult to understand and time consuming at the same time. But if we talk about the basic foundation of web 3.0, the basic foundation of web 3.0 is blockchain technology. To understand block chain technology, now you need to understand many more concepts including synchronize, consensus mechanism, proof of work, peer to peer network, shared ledger / distributed ledger, cryptography, hashing. And of course you understand that it is not possible to understand so much in this one answer.

I will discuss how blockchain solves our problems. But at the end if you want to say why web 3.0 is needed or why it came? The answer is that time has come. As the era progresses, the security of our information, the freedom to use the Internet, ensuring the ownership of these issues are increasing. And web 2.0 is unable to solve these problems, that's why web 3.0 is needed. Security of our information, security of content, using the Internet as a hostage to someone can solve these problems very well. Web 3.0, although this concept of the 3rd version of the Web is still very new. However, experts believe that this is the future of the Internet.

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