25+ Causes of Cancer | 7+ Symptoms of Breast Cancer | Symptoms of Blood Cancer


Cancer has become very prominent among the current epidemics. People are losing their immune system by consuming junk food and cancer has become deadly

25+ Causes of Cancer | 7+ Symptoms of Breast Cancer

What is Cancer?

Human body is made up of many cells and these cells are always dividing. It is a simple process in which the body is regulated. But the disease of abnormally growing cells is called cancer. In this, the cells become uncontrolled and hinder the body's growth system. According to scientists, abnormal changes in DNA cause types of cancer.


Despite so many advances in treatment in the present era, cancer is still a deadly disease. About this disease, various media have been telling people only about the same method of treatment. But homeopathy, ayurvedic treatments have good cure for cancer, if the patient first resort to such treatment.

Causes of Cancer:

1. About life without trusting Taqdi.

Excessive stress and anxiety

2. Poisonous formalin adulterated food

3. Tasty salted spices and biryani Soof Fast Food Kebab Food

4. Irregular life style food chess sleep

5. Additional antibiotics, steroids Allopathic medicine

6. Consumption of adulterated chemical homeo medicines

7. Consumption of adulterated medicines other than self-made Khati Unani Ayurvedic medicine

8. Don't entertain the game

9. Oily food

10. No sweating from the body

11. Staying longer in AC rooms

12. Being an overly sexist sexist jerk

13. Talking on the mobile phone for a long time

14. Eating cold food regularly instead of mild heat

15. Using an additional smart phone

16. Sweet food, tea, coffee, eat more

17. Chemo therapy and radio therapy are unnecessary

17. Adulterated milk, honey, black cumin oil Here, adulterated food means cow's milk, honey from bees who go to the sugar shop in the market,

18. Overwork or luxury life

19. Get drugs, white rust, cigarettes

20. Aphrodisiac drugs

21. Consumption of excess gastric medicine

22, moderate exercise physical exercise not gym

23. Not staying in the sun for half an hour every day

24. Having sex with extra wives. Porn video visiting card master beshan, Islamic mansukh document with Mishkin, fish, semi group practice.

25. Black cumin oil made by dishonest traders But these are better if you make your own

These factors reduce the human immune system. At one point it leads people to cancer. Cancer is basically a symptom of decreased immunity.

Blood Cancer or Leukemia:

The disease is actually leukemia. Blood cancer is better known as blood cancer. It is not a hereditary or contagious disease. Scientists still do not know exactly what causes the disease. However, radiation, industrial chemicals or chemicals used in factories, pesticides or insecticides, use of chemicals in adulterated food and food, use of hair dye and some cosmetics, lubricants, varnishes, history of chemotherapy use and some genetic diseases increase the risk of blood cancer or leukemia.

For any of the above reasons, mutation or other changes in stem cells or immature blood cells in the bone marrow lead to the formation of cancer cells or blasts, which grow rapidly inside the bone marrow.


Common symptoms of blood cancer or leukemia are weakness, loss of appetite, palpitations, pallor, frequent infections or fever, black spots and bleeding, body pain, swollen glands, enlarged spleen and liver.

The number of cancer cells or blasts increases so much that there is not enough space inside the bone marrow for normal cells like red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets to form and mature. As a result, healthy cells other than cancer cells cannot be produced in quantity.

Anemia due to deficiency of red blood cells in the bone marrow, infection or fever due to deficiency of mature white blood cells and bleeding due to abnormal microcirculation etc. Once the cancer cells or blasts grow too much inside the bone marrow, which is beyond the capacity of the bone marrow. As a result, severe pressure starts inside the bone and it causes pain. At some point, cancer cells or blasts come out of the bone marrow and enter the blood vessels.

What are the Symptoms of Breast Cancer?

  • Any part of the breast becomes round or lumpy. Sometimes these lumps are accompanied by pain, which is not a typical breast cancer symptom.
  • Change in breast size or shape.
  • Change in breast or nipple shape
  • Blood or fluid discharge from the nipple
  • Rash or rash around the nipples
  • Swelling or swelling in the armpits. Oftentimes, naturally, armpit lumps that are accompanied by pain are nothing to worry about.
  • Lumpy or firmness inside the breast.

Above all, it is important to note any change in the normal breast and confirm it. And everyone should be aware of this


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