8 Benefits of Eating Fish and when not to eat!

8 Benefits of Eating Fish and when not to eat!

Fish is known as the main food of our country. Fish and rice Bengali is a common and popular proverb of this country. Fish is one of the non-food sources in the human body. Fish has many nutrients. Fish contains so many nutrients that its role in maintaining health is unmatched. Fish contains various vitamins along with sufficient amount of fat, protein, calcium, iron, phosphorus etc.

While there are many benefits to eating fish, there are also some downsides to eating too much fish. It is important to know the benefits and harms before eating fish.

8 Benefits of Eating Fish 

01. Increases eyesight

As we know, lack of vitamin A causes night blindness. That is, lack of vitamin A leads to loss of vision. Small fish contain enough vitamin A. Which helps to eliminate the nighttime problem. A study has shown that omega-3 fatty acids in fish play an important role in improving eyesight. Let growing boys and girls eat fish regularly, especially small fish. Omega 3 fatty acids are also particularly helpful in improving concentration and intelligence.

02. Improves memory

Different types of fish contain many nutrients, which our body needs for good health. Marine fish also contain adequate nutrients. Eating sea fish regularly increases the level of DHA fatty acid in the body. This ingredient works well in improving fatty acids. In addition to memory, eating small fish increases memory. So make the growing boys and girls habit of eating small fish.

03. Eliminates prostate cancer

Fish plays a significant role in eliminating various types of cancer. Along with following a low-fat diet, eating seafood daily can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. For this reason, try to keep fish in the regular food list.

04. Reduces stress

At present, depression is increasing. Especially those who are younger are the most prone to drip. Stress or mental stress does a lot of damage to our body. Fish plays a unique role in reducing stress. The release of the feel-good hormone increases after the omega-3 fatty acids of fish enter the body. As a result, stress decreases quickly; At the same time, the mind becomes stronger. Make it a habit to eat fish regularly to reduce this problem.

05. Prevents stoke

Stoke is a serious problem. Studies have shown that people who eat fish at least once a week are 13 percent less likely to have a stroke than those who don't eat fish at all. If you eat a small amount of fish every day, the chances of getting stoked will be greatly reduced.

06. Keeps heart good and healthy

The need for fish is immense to keep the heart healthy and strong. Most people in our country suffer from heart problems. And the number of heart patients is constantly increasing. You can eat small fish daily to control it. Fish contains various types of vitamins, sufficient calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sulfur and various other elements which are suitable for heart health. The American Heart Association reports that people who eat fish regularly have a 50% reduced risk of developing heart disease.

07. Meets calcium needs

We need a certain amount of calcium daily. Calcium needs are always higher for pregnant women and post-partum mothers, especially for children who are in the growing phase. Calcium is very important in the formation of bones and teeth. Without enough calcium in the body, the body will become weak and tired. Small fish have enough calcium. The spiny little fish that is delicious and loved by everyone is a unique source of calcium. Fish like Mala, Dhela, Chanda, Chhota Punti, Chingri, Kachki etc. are rich in calcium. Therefore, small fish should be eaten daily.

08. Replenishes vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is essential and important element for us to live healthy, beautiful and strong. Vitamin D is required in certain amount every day. Fish contains plenty of vitamin D among other ingredients. Apart from strengthening the bones, this vitamin has many other benefits. Small fishes in particular contain enough vitamin D. So you can try to eat small amount of fish regularly.

Some harmful effects of eating too much fish

Just as there are benefits to eating fish, there are also disadvantages or some harmful aspects. In fact, there are different types of fish, each fish has a different nutritional value. There are some fish that are very beneficial to the body, play an effective role in staying healthy and some are not so beneficial. However, eating too much fish can cause many problems.

Learn about what problems eating too much fish can cause and when not to eat it.

• Eating marine fish during pregnancy can have harmful effects due to the various minerals it contains.

• A study shows that various marine fish including shark, swordfish, tuna contain excess amount of mercury and other minerals, which are very harmful to the body.

• These types of fish contain some toxic substances that cause problems in the nervous system of young babies and children.

• Eating too much fish can pose health risks. We know that fish contains enough omega-3 fatty acids that are very beneficial for the body. After all, even then, eating too much of any kind of food can weaken or impair or alter the body's immune system. This will lower the immune system and lead to infection with viruses or bacteria.

This is why you must be careful about eating fish. It is necessary to have enough knowledge about what ingredients are in a fish and what are the nutritional values of a fish. In conclusion, eat good and healthy fish, but try to eat in small quantities.


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