Diabetic Food - Best Diet Plan For Every Diabetic Patient!


Diabetic Food - Best Diet Plan For Every Diabetic Patient!

Along with the changing lifestyle, our food habits and lifestyle have also changed, due to which our body is becoming a breeding ground for various diseases. There are some conditions which, despite being common, can take dangerous forms. Diabetes is one of them. The doctor advises the diabetic patient to consume 1200-1800 calories per day, so that the medicine taken by the patient can work better. Besides, the diet of diabetic patients should be regular and balanced.

Many times people with diabetes get confused about what to eat in a diabetic diet, to balance diabetes or what sugar to avoid. In case of diabetes, many things are forbidden to eat, due to which many times the patient is also upset.

According to doctors, two types of fruits must be eaten with meals every day. Apart from this, the salad should be eaten 10 minutes before the meal, so that the patient does not eat more than necessary at one time.

Here we are sharing sample diet chart for diabetic patients which is based on food available in different regions of Bangladesh. These diet chart samples will provide the daily requirement of 1200-1800 calories with the right proportions of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

Diabetic food list

Breakfast- Eat two brown breads with boiled egg white or two small parathas (without ghee or butter) and a bowl of curd or a cup/bowl of milk mixed with wheat (wheat flakes). Eat at least one fruit (apple, guava or orange) with all of these.

Brunch (time between breakfast and lunch) – Make a salad by mixing cucumber, tomato, carrot and beetroot and add lemon juice, coriander leaves and mint leaves to taste. If you don't like to eat raw vegetables, you can boil all the vegetables with a pinch of salt, pepper and a little butter and drink the soup.

Lunch- Two medium size rotis with rajma, cholla or vegetable curry. Besides, carrots, cauliflower, capsicum, brinjal or okra can be made into fried vegetables.

Evening meal – You can drink green tea with or without sugar. Apart from this, a bowl of Belpuri or baked snacks can also be eaten.

Dinner- Two medium sized loaves, any one vegetable curry (gourd, eggplant and capsicum vegetable curry). Also, mix a pinch of turmeric in a glass of milk and drink it before going to bed.

Note – The diabetes diet chart given above is only a sample. So before using these the patient should consult the doctor about taking diabetes diet based on his sugar level.

What should we eat in diabetes?

Diet should never be skipped in diabetes. Eat food three times a day. Make sure to include fruits in your diet throughout the day and stay away from high sugar foods.

Below we are talking about many other food items, which will not only be beneficial to include in a diabetes diet, but will also provide essential nutrients like protein, calcium, fat and carbohydrates.

Green vegetables – If you do not have diabetes or are at risk of developing diabetes, eating green vegetables can reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals, which are very important for health. Green vegetables like spinach, beans, capsicum and gourd along with onion, garlic and brinjal can be included in diabetic diet.

Fruits for Diabetes- Eating fruits in diabetes is very beneficial for diabetic patients. Eat fruit even if you do not have diabetes, as it reduces the risk of developing diabetes in the future. Banana (raw), litchi, pomegranate, guava and avocado are very beneficial in diabetes.

Dairy products – As a diabetic diet, a limited amount of low-fat milk, yogurt or cheese is recommended along with vegetables and fruits. Yogurt and milk in particular are beneficial, if consumed in limited amounts.

Foods to Avoid in Diabetes

  • Do not eat too much salt in food.
  • Stay away from sugary drinks like cold drinks.
  • Limit sugar consumption.
  • Do not eat ice cream or candy.
  • Do not eat too much fried or oily food.

Best Diet Plan For Every Diabetic Patient

A healthy diabetic diet is very important for treating diabetes. A diet with the right mix of carbohydrates, vegetables, fruits, protein, low-fat dairy products and plenty of fiber is recommended.

Junk Food – Diabetics should avoid such foods as they can raise blood sugar levels. There are many foods that are nutritious and can be eaten by diabetics. For example, fenugreek seeds are very helpful in treating diabetes.


Diabetics should start their day with a healthy breakfast such as:

Parable made from vegetables

Besan or Mung Chila

Steamed idlis cooked with oats, whole wheat or brown rice

Sprouts with onion, cucumber and tomato

Hard-boiled eggs or omelets with multigrain bread.

Lunch – 

A balanced diet reduces the harmful effects of diabetes. A diet consisting of bread, pulses, vegetables and yogurt has many benefits, especially when it is made with healthy ingredients.

Cereals – Instead of wheat, make bread from oats or sorghum. If you are a rice lover, eat fiber-rich brown rice. Do you know white rice can raise bl00d sugar levels als0.

Lentils – Choose protein sources like lentils, yogurt or milk.

Vegetables – Eat fiber rich vegetables likes 

  • spinach
  • cauliflower
  • broccoli
  • peas
  • lettuce

Fats – Omega-3 is a class of good fats that your body needs. Use healthy cooking oils such as flaxseed oil, canola oil, and mustard oil.

Fiber – A diabetic diet should include fiber such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, nuts and leafy greens.

If you prefer non-veg food, include seafood and chicken but avoid red meat as it contains high saturated fat.

Dinner – 

Just like lunch, have a complete dinner with cereal, vegetables and salad. D0n't forget t0 include soup, lentils 0r yogurt. Y0u can have a glass 0f low fat milk ab0ut 2 hours after dinner. This will help in c0ntr0lling hyp0glycemia.

For between-meal snacks, you can choose these foods:

Fruits – Do not eat dry fruits or tropical fruits like mangoes. You can eat fruits such as papaya, berries, oranges, apples, grapes, dates, guavas.

Dry fruits – Dry fruits are high in calories, so eat them in moderation. Eat a bowl of fried or boiled chickpeas and soaked almonds or peanuts. Salads – Eat healthy salads with cucumbers, carrots, radishes and spinach.

Being disciplined and sticking to meal times is very important to treat diabetes.


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