Zero Carb Food List and Exercise For Diabetics!


Zero Carb Food List and Exercise For Diabetics!

Zero Carb Food List For Diabetics

Although diabetes is not a fatal disease, various problems occur in the body due to diabetes. Uncontrolled diabetes can damage various organs of the body such as kidney, liver. Carbohydrates or sugars are the main component of food. If it is not taken it causes problems in the body, as its excessive intake causes various complications in the body.

In the daily food list of diabetic patients, carbohydrates should be kept according to the level of diabetes. A diabetic patient can consume 100-150 grams of carbohydrates daily. If necessary, less can be taken. Diabetes is much easier to control if you follow a diet chart and eat regularly. For this, add less sugar and more protein, fat, vitamins and water to your diet chart.


Carbohydrate food list for diabetics, the first food that can be kept is eggs. Eggs are animal carbohydrates. Eggs of all types contain the most protein and fat and only 3 percent carbohydrates. This food is very low in sugar which is also called no sugar carbohydrate. Some studies have even shown that it helps control type 2 diabetes. 

Every day you can eat one boiled egg or any egg food but eating more than one can cause acne problems, stomach problems, cholesterol increase, heart problems. It is better not to eat goose eggs, they contain high amount of cholesterol.

Chicken meat:

Chicken is one of the safest options for diabetics. Because chicken meat is no sugar food. You can easily include chicken in your diet instead of high carb foods. It contains animal fats and fats which can play a role in our body structure. Most of the time we store chicken meat in the refrigerator and eat it after boiling it. and the final result, its nutriti0nal value is greatly reduced soo far. So if you want to eat chicken, buy fresh meat from the market and cook it.


Fish contains nutrients and minerals and zero carbohydrates. It is also a very good food for diabetic patients. Eating fish is unlikely to increase blood sugar. Many people only think of marine fish when it comes to fish nutrition. However, in our country's rivers, streams, canals and lakes, countless fish are seen every day. Fish that are rich in nutrients. So diabetic patients can keep fish in their daily food menu.


It may surprise you to hear that it is true that beef is very low in sugar. But there is some controversy about this. Many studies have shown that beef leads to various complications with age. It can cause various problems ranging from heart problems to uncontrolled blood pressure, piles, increased type 2 diabetes, increased cholesterol. 

But beef alone is not responsible for increasing diabetes. This can combine with other problems to create a bigger problem. So any human being should consume beef in a controlled way. The same applies to goats and sheep.

Sour Curd and Cheese:

Milk is two of the most popular foods that we add to our other meals at various times. Sometimes I empty and accept. The amount of carbohydrates in these two foods is 2-4 grams. Which you can compare with zero carb.


Diabetics can eat up to 30 grams of almonds per day. If you don't have any problems with almonds like high cholesterol or allergies then you can easily consume these almonds as an afternoon snack or a mid-time snack before lunch. A handful of nuts contains 2-4 grams of carbohydrates, 7-9 grams of fiber and protein, and 16 grams of fat. So diabetics can add almonds to their food menu. It will also fulfill your carbohydrate needs and keep diabetes under control.


Some fruits are also somewhat high in carbohydrates. Therefore, even in daily fruit selection, knowing the amount of carbohydrates should be added to the daily food menu. Many fruits contain small amounts of sugar that won't increase your diabetes, but will help meet your body's needs. Some such fruits are guava, kamaranga, olive, strawberry, lemon, kiwi, apple (half), banana (small to medium size 1 a day), pineapple, plum and some sour fruits.


Some leafy vegetables are very low in sugar. Diabetic patients can easily add those vegetables to their daily food menu. For example, every 100 grams of cabbage, cauliflower, tomato, onion, capsicum, broccoli, eggplant, cucumber, beetroot, mushroom and various types of vegetables etc. contain 3 grams to 10 grams of carbohydrates. vegetables c0ntain a lot 0f fiber. 

Now if you cut out carbohydrates completely then you may have health complications. So keep carbohydrates less in the daily food list so that it can play a role in controlling diabetes as well as contributing to your body composition.

Ghee, butter and edible oil:

These are three high-calorie, high-fat foods. But it does not contain carbohydrates. But if you eat more and more of these foods, many complications will appear in your body, which can be even more serious than diabetes. Even doctors ask to eat these foods in very controlled amounts to keep diabetes under control for a long time. As edible oil, olive oil, sunflower oil, mustard oil are some good options.

Liqueur tea without sugar

Tea liquor is a special medicine for diabetics and even for kidney patients. No sugar means zero calories and zero carbs. On the other hand, the antioxidants in liquor are 20 times richer than the antioxidants found in various fruits.

Different types of spices:

We use different types of spices to cook every food everyday. Many people also eat different types of masala with hot water or hot tea. These spices do not contain any carbohydrates, on the contrary many people have diabetes under control due to their consumption.

Exercise in Diabetes

Running – Running or walking every morning will keep the body fit and help control diabetes.

Cycling – You can enjoy cycling if you want.  and that's helps reduce the risk 0f type-2 diabetes.

Walk in the morning and evening – If you don't like to exercise or can't go to the gym, it is better to go for a walk in the morning and evening.

Dance – It is not only a good exercise but also an art. Dancing will not only reduce calories, but you will feel an art within yourself.

Swimming – It is part of aerobic exercise. Swimming reduces cholesterol and calories and maintains weight balance.

Climb the stairs – Climb and descend the stairs after eating, this will balance the blood sugar level and keep you fit.

Yoga – Apart from these you can do yoga. Yoga has proved beneficial for many people and this is why even today people resort to yoga for many major ailments. The benefits of yoga in diabetes are also many. For this you can do yoga with Bhujangasana, Dhanurasana, Naukasana.


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