Swelling of Testicles – Discussion about Cause, Prevention and Treatment!

Swelling of Testicles – Discussion about Cause, Prevention and Treatment!

Swelling of Testicles – Discussion about Cause, Prevention and Treatment!

Hernia is a men's health problem where the scrotum swells when sneezing or coughing. Symptoms and treatment of hernia are given here in brief.

Hernia is a common disease. Anyone can get this disease from birth to old age. In fact, hernia is a surgical disease, that is, the disease cannot be cured without surgery. Hernia generally refers to the protrusion of the esophagus or any other organ through a weak spot in the abdomen. This hernia eventually moves to the scrotum because many people think that hernia is a disease of scrotum enlargement.

Different parts of our body are surrounded by walls made of muscles and membranes, if for some reason that wall becomes weak and an organ comes out like a sac through it, it is called hernia. Although in general, when everyone hears the word hernia, they assume that it is only in the scrotum, hernias can also occur in the groin, near the thigh, in the groin, along the middle of the abdomen, in the abdomen and even in the chest. However, most hernias are small and are called inguinal hernias.

What are the causes of hernia?

Weakness of stomach or abdominal wall is the only cause of hernia. This weakness can be due to various reasons, such as-*congenital*operations, injuries and infections etc. The most common hernias we find are inguinal hernias and incisional hernias, or hernias at the site of the operation.

Discussion on Inguinal Hernia

Where is the inguinal hernia?

The primary location of this hernia is 1/2 inch above the middle of the pelvis.

Symptoms of inguinal hernia

This disease can occur at any age

Most patients are male

In the early stages, patients will say that walking, lifting heavy objects, or sneezing causes a ball-like swelling on the upper part of the scrotum, and it goes away when lying down. Sometimes stiffness and pain. After a few days, the round swelling descends into the scrotum (scrotum) and goes away spontaneously with noises in the abdomen when lying down. In this way the swelling gets bigger and sometimes it has to be inserted under pressure. Then press it slowly but it doesn't go inside the stomach. At this stage severe pain, vomiting and flatulence and constipation may occur. This condition is called intensitive or esophageal obstruction. In this situation, if the operation is not done urgently, life-threatening problems can occur.

Treatment of inguinal hernia

Surgery is the only treatment for this disease. It is best to operate at a small and early stage. Because it costs less. If your hernia is small and not causing you any problems, your doctor may tell you to watch and wait. But if the hernia continues to grow and become painful, surgery is usually needed to relieve discomfort and prevent serious complications.

There are two common types of hernia surgery:


In this procedure, your surgeon pushes the protruding intestine through an incision in your groin back into your abdomen.

In this procedure, your surgeon pushes the protruding intestine through an incision in your groin back into your abdomen. Then the weak or torn muscle is fixed by stitching. You will be able to walk as soon as possible after the operation, but it may take four to six weeks for you to return to normal work activities.


In this procedure, your surgeon attaches a piece of synthetic mesh to the groin area. It is usually held in place by stitches, clips or staples. Hernioplasty can also be performed through a single long incision over the hernia. Currently, hernioplasty is performed laparoscopically, through several small incisions. However, if the hernia is large, it cannot be done through laparoscopy.

What are the problems if you don't operate?

As the hernia gradually enlarges,

  • It becomes difficult and expensive to treat.
  • A mesh may be required in case of large hernia,
  • Obstructed hernias require emergency surgery and increase the risk of death.

Incisional hernia/hernia at the site of operation

Incisional hernia occurs at the operative site after surgery. Patients will say my operation line swells all over or parts of it. Not seen especially when walking, sneezing or coughing or lifting heavy objects.

What causes incisional hernia?

  • Emergency operation
  • If the operation site is ripe and
  • The risk of developing this disease is high if operated by an unskilled surgeon.


Surgery is the only treatment. Failure to operate may cause complications.

What can happen again after the operation?

If operated by an experienced surgeon, the risk of recurrence is very low.


If you have a birth defect that can cause an inguinal hernia— you can't prevent it, but following these tips can reduce the strain on the abdominal muscles and tissue or collar:

  • → Maintain a healthy weight: If you are overweight, exercise and eat as advised by your doctor.
  • → High fiber helps prevent constipation and bloating.
  • → Be careful with heavy lifting: Do not lift as heavy as you can. If lifting alone, always start with bent knees, never bend at the waist.
  • → Stop smoking: Smoking can increase your risk of serious diseases such as cancer, emphysema and heart disease. In addition, smoking often causes a chronic cough, which encourages the development of inguinal hernia.

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