Benefits of Ulatkambal, walnuts and dates in treatment!



Benefits of Ulatkambal, walnuts and dates in treatment!

Ulatkambal in the treatment of many Diseases

Many useful plants grow naturally around. But everything is not known to us. While walking on the way, we are fascinated by the flowers of unknown plants. Because Prana and Prakriti are useful in sustaining our life, which is useful in our body as medicine. Also, Ulatkambal is a plant that is unique in its herbal properties.

Ulatkambal is one of the herbs grown in the country. Its English name is Devil's Cotton. Ultakambal tree is distributed in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka. Apart from this, the main region of Asia is its original habitat. Ultakambal trees are seen everywhere in Bangladesh. It is a herbaceous evergreen tree with a height of 2-3 meters.

The leaves at the base of the branches of this plant look like a heart, but the front side of the leaf is narrow, bright green in color. Leaf tips and young branches are red, the tip leaves are long in shape. The bark of the tree is tough and does not break even when soaked in water. This tree blooms at a certain age. Don't eat the color of flowers. Petals five, flowers borne on young branches of plants. The flowers look very nice.

Flowering starts from summer till autumn and flowers can be seen on trees even in winter. After flowering, the tree bears fruit. The fruit is pentagonal, green in color at first and black in color when mature. Ripe fruits burst. Inside the fruit there is a hairy part like a blanket. The fruit is divided into five chambers and contains small seeds like Kalijira.

Generally, ulatkambal plants grow in all types of well-drained soils. But loamy soil is better. This tree can tolerate shade. In addition to hilly forest areas, Ultakambal trees can be found planted in villages, towns, various family gardens, roadsides, herb gardens.

Leaves, twigs, root, bark of Ulatkambal plant are used to make medicine for various diseases. The bark and stems of the plant, soaked in water, release a sticky substance that relieves constipation. Leaf stalks are useful in relieving burning sensation in urine, dysentery. Leaf and stem juice is useful in gonorrhoea, boils and gynecological diseases. Blankets are used in the treatment of diarrhea in cattle, delayed breeding and various treatments in poultry.

Benefits of walnuts in the treatment of many diseases

People who like to eat nuts, the name known to them is akhrot. But many people avoid these nuts because they think they contain fat. Actually it is not. The fiber, anti-oxidants, protein and omega three fatty acids in it benefit the body in many ways.

Eating walnuts helps to cure cancer, heart disease and also helps to maintain brain function. Both black and brown walnuts are beneficial for health. Know about the benefits of eating walnuts regularly-

Keeps the heart healthy: There is no substitute for good heart health. And walnuts can help you in this task. The omega three fatty acids it contains are beneficial for the cardiovascular system. If you eat a few walnuts every day, it will help lower blood pressure. It reduces bad cholesterol in our body and helps increase good cholesterol. So eat walnuts regularly to keep your heart healthy.

Helps in brain development: A walnut looks like the shape of our brain. This nut also helps in our brain development. The omega three fatty acids in it play a role in this. So you can eat walnuts regularly for brain development.

Reduces the risk of cancer: Walnuts help to stay away from the deadly disease cancer. Omega three fatty acids, polyphenols and urolithin are rich in anti-cancer properties. So walnuts play a major role in preventing breast, colon and prostate. The American Association for Cancer Research reports that eating walnuts can help reduce the risk of cancer.

Strengthens bones: Be careful if bone weakness occurs. Because many more problems can arise from there. Eat walnuts regularly to keep bones healthy. It contains an essential fatty acid called alpha-linolenic acid. This acid helps keep bones healthy. Also, the omega three fatty acids in walnuts also keep bones healthy.

Useful in pregnancy: Eating walnuts daily is beneficial for pregnant women. Walnuts contain B complex vitamins such as folate, riboflavin and thiamin. These keep the mother's health good. Folic acid in walnuts is beneficial for pregnant and unborn children.

Increases immunity: If the immune system is not strong, it becomes difficult to fight against any disease. In this time of corona epidemic, we have paid a little attention to increasing immunity. Walnuts can help you in this task. Anti-oxidants keep the immune system 0f human body healthy and strong. Walnuts contain vitamins and minerals such as copper and vitamin B6 that help boost the immune system.

For good sleep: If you have insomnia, keep walnuts in your food list. The melatonin in it is helpful for everyone to good sleep in night. The omega three fatty acids present in walnuts lower blood pressure and relieve stress.

Dates in the treatment of many diseases

Dates are very nutritious fruits. 

    • Dates contain 
    • vitamins
    • fiber
    • calcium
    • iron
    • phosphorus
    • potassium
    • magnesium
    • zinc

Dates meet about 11% of the iron requirement of a healthy human body. So you can eat dates every day. According to nutritionists, most of the iron needed by the body comes from dates. In addition, if you have diabetes, experts say to keep dry dates in your diet instead of conventional dates.

Nutritional value of dates

A delicious and well-known fruit. Which is rich in fructose and glycemic. It raises the blood sugar level. Dates are considered as a substitute for sugar. It is said about the nutritional content of dates that four or 30 grams of dates have 90 calories, one gram of protein, 13 ml. grams of calcium, 2.8 grams of fiber and other nutrients. Dates are a good source of energy. Contains a lot of B vitamins. Vitamin B6 which is helpful in increasing brain function.

1. Diabetic patients should eat 1 or 2 dates regularly. Its can be a sweet alternative t0 normal f00d. Not the main dish. Eating too much dates can also cause harm.

2. Dates are rich in antioxidants that reduce the risk of heart disease. Besides, dates are the safest medicine for the heart.

3. Iron and fiber in dates can control cholesterol. A lot of potassium is available from dates. It plays an active role in controlling high blood pressure by keeping our body within a range.

4. Just a few dates reduce the intensity of hunger and stimulate the stomach to take in less food. It fills the deficiency of sugar required by the body.

5. Antioxidants in dates have disease-fighting properties. It contains a lot of vitamins, minerals, calcium, potassium.

6. Anemic patients can eat dates. Dates fill about 11 percent of the iron required in a healthy person's body.

7. Due to the presence of lutein and zeaxanthin in dates, it improves the health of the retina.


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